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[영어표현] turn out to be~
2021. 9. 7. 21:04
turn out to be~
~로 밝혀지다, 알고보니 ~ 이다.'
ex) It turned out to be incredibly complicated to fix.
알고보니 고치기가 되게 복잡하더라.
incredibly 부사
믿을 수 없을 정도로, 엄청나게(unbeblievably)
complicated 형용사
실제 예시
A few weeks ago, our toilet broke.
It turned out to be incredibly complicated to fix.
몇 주 전에 집에 변기가 고장났거든.
근데 알아보니 생각보다 고치기 되게 복잡하더라.
표현 참고 영상: https://youtu.be/x70m4Z3-m7U?t=15
I bought a 200 year-old Toilet!?!
We spent way too much money on today's episode, so thank you to VEJRHØJ watches for sponsoring it and supporting Ollie's crazy purchasing habits! Check out their amazing watches on the links below and use JOLLY15 for 15% off* International: https://www.v